Senior Kindergarten Study of Bolivia and the Potato Printing Project

Senior Kindergarten is learning about Bolivian culture and potatoes are native to that country. We designed a collaborative unit where the librarian read The Potato King to the students. In technology time the students designed cookie cutters using and the. We 3D printed them to turn them into potato stamps. The students cut shapes out of potatoes using their stamps and made patterns with paint, which is a math concept being practiced this month.




Cutting potatoes with 3D printed cookie cutters.


Lots of paint!


Potting potatoes for the garden


Learning to weave, inspired by tradition.


Cookie cutter app

Third grade design thinking project for the Waltham Families School

The third grade visited our preschool friends at the Waltham Families School and spent the morning in choice time, playing games in the gym, and getting to know their parents who are enrolled in the ESL program there. We brought board games to teach to the parents and interviewed them to learn about their backgrounds.

Now, in Ms. Meeta's math class, students are design thinking a solution for picture book storage at home for their new found friends. 

Before visiting, students came up with a list of four year old traits. 

Before visiting, students came up with a list of four year old traits. 


Circle time in preschool.

Circle time in preschool.

Meeting the teachers

Meeting the teachers

Empathy Map after our visit..

Empathy Map after our visit..

Students organizing more questions to ask of their clients.

Students organizing more questions to ask of their clients.


Playing with our friends.